The Sims Fanon Wiki

The Cabot Family[]

Walter Cabot (deceased): Was the father of Alicia Cabot and Catherine Cabot. He was married to Frances Cabot, the girls mother, until his death which was long thought to have been an accident. It is later revealed that Walter had an affair with an un-named sim while married to Franny. Franny, in turn, discovered the affair which pushed her over the edge and she killed him in a rageous fury. He is technically the first victim in The Sun-Crest Killings. It is revealed by Alicia that Walter had met Candi but not his grand-son, Franky.

Leonard "Leo" March (deceased): Was the brother of Frances Cabot and the uncle of Alicia Cabot and Catherine Cabot. He was very close to his nieces and it is reveald by his son and the girls cousin, Mike March, that he was brutally murdered but the killer was never caught. It is later revealed by Franny that she in fact killed her brother after she learned he was also cheating on his wife and Mike's mother.

Lisa March: Is the mother of Mike March and the widow of Leo March. She is never seen (yet) but is mentioned. Her sister-in-law, Frances Cabot, kills her husband after learning that he was having an affair.

Nadia Walker (deceased): Is the former lover of the lat Walter Cabot. She fell in love with him while they had their affair. However, his wife Franny Cabot discovered the affair and killed him. After his death Nadia fled then scene and later discovered that he left her pregnant. Not wanting to raise the child alone she married Alvin Walker and together they raised her son, Travis Walker Cabot. After Franny fled Sun-Crest Point she planted evidence that Dexter Iago was the killer. She then went after Nadia and after seeing Walter in Travis, him. Luckily, Alicia arrived in time and together with her new half-brother they managed to "finish" Franny off. Nadia comes to town following Travis's divorce from Amanda Campbell, wanting to meet her daughter-in-law. She informs Travis that Alvin has passed and, that she is in ill health. She consoles her son over his divorce and, re-connects with Alicia, thanking her for having saved her life years ago from Franny. After a fainting spell, Nadia is seen by Thea Green, noticing the chemistry between she and Travus, Nadia urges Travis to pursue Thea right before she passes away.

Alvin Walker (deceased): Is the husband of Nadia Walker and the long time step-father of Travis Cabot. He was not present when Franny attacked his wife and step-son but he is still alive and married to Nadia. He raised Travis as if he were his own son and Travis still considers him his father but leaves to get to know his newly discovered family (Alicia, Cathy, Candi and Franky). Later, following Travis's divorce from Amanda Campbell he learns that his step-father has died and, that his mother is ill health.

Joyce Welter: Is the ex-girlfriend of Travis Cabot. He breaks up with her when he announces he will be moving to Sun-Crest Point. She is very controlling and Travis finally began to see through her badness.

The McBride Family[]

Martin McBride (deceased): Is the father of Mae McBride. He arrives in town for Mae's elaborate wedding to Escobar Reyes. He was initally only going to stay for the wedding but after he hears that Mae is pregnant he stays in town and even begins a short romance with Daria Grendel, as his wife and Mae's mother, Helen, has been long passed on. When Daria's ex-husband, Victor Beckett, returns and Daria goes through a rough patch with revealing her daughter Roxy Crowley to everyone, he supported and was there for her. However, Daria and Martin share a mutal break up and Martin goes to see his new grand-son, Issac Reyes, and then says goodbye to his daughter, son-in-law and grand-daughter, Agatha Stone, and leaves town. He returns for Aggie's birthday into adulthood and witnesses her confront Mae over the true death of Edward. He consoles his daughter once more, wishes her well and leaves. Shortly there after Martin dies and Mae and Escobar decide to move into Mae's childhood home and with Isaac in hand leave to do so. He once again appears in spirirt form when Mae is in a terrible fire and arrives in limbo un-sure of whether she should fight to live or not. Together with Daria, Lucia, Helen and Edward they convince Mae to go back and be with the ones she loves on earth.

Helen McBride (deceased): Is the mother of Mae McBride and the grand-mother of Agatha Stone, Cleo Enots and Issac Reyes. She was married to Martin, but passed away a long time ago. She is said to have had a loving and close relationship with her daughter. Helen then appears for the first time in spirit form when Mae is in a terrible fire and could possibly die as a result of her injuries. With Martin, Lucia, Daria and Edward they convince Mae to give life another chance. Though, it is truly Mae's final confrontation with Helen than persuades her to go back. Helen re=appears before Escobar one afternoon when he begins to loses hope of winning Mae back. She once more confirms that he and her daughter are destined to be together before she dissolves.

Edward "Ed" Stone (deceased): Was the first husband of Mae Stone and, the father of Agatha Stone. He was seen as a dead beat and an abusive man who kept Mae down. When Escobar Reyes offered to do the Stone's plants for free Ed accepted as he was un-aware of the attraction between Escobar and Mae. Ed worked at the cemetery as a burial specialist. After Alicia Cabot walks in on Mae and Escobar kissing, in a fit of jealousy she informs Ed of their private affection for each other and he confronts Mae. As he goes to strike her he is ignited after standing too close to their lit fireplace. He ebgs for Mae to call the firemen and extinguish him. However, mae watches as Ed burns to death. Ed is not mentioned seriously again until Aggie is a teenager who beigns to ask about his death and tells Mae that she has been having memories about him that don't add up as Ed died when she was only a toddlar, this seems to scare Mae as no one else, aside from her and Escobar know that Ed could have been saved. She then brings his parents, Roy and Belinda Stone to town and a confrontation with mae reveals the truth. Then when Cleo Enots comes to town she is revealed to be Edward and Mae's other daughter and Agatha's twin. At birth Edward despised having twin daughters and gave Cleo away and reversed her last name (Enots is Stone backwards). He then re-appears in spirirt form when Mae is in a dnagerous fire and arrives in limbo. He apologizes for being so awful and tells her he forgives her for not saving him. With the help of Lucia, Daria, Martin and Helen he convinces her to give life another chance.

Roy Stone: Is Edward's father. He is aware of his son's abusive nature but did nothing to help Mae. He will appear to help his grand-daughter, Agatha Stone, un-cover the truth about Edward's untimely death.

Belinda Stone: Is Edward's mother. She loved her son deeply and supressed the thought of him being violent as she feels that it was a result of her smothering him as a child. When he died she became very bitter and cold towards Mae Stone. She appeared to help her grand-daughter, Agatha Stone, un-cover the truth about her father's wrongful death.

The Grendel Family[]

Victor Beckett (deceased): Is the ex-husband of Daria Grendel, and was the long time step-father of Ralph Grendel. It is revealed by Daria that Vicotr was a drunken and violent man himself. When he returns he has shown himself to have sobered up but he reveals to Daria that he knows they have a child together and asks her where the child, now grown, is. It is learned that Roxy Crowley is their daughter and that when Daria discovered she was pregnant that she fled to her in-fertile sister, Myrtle, and gave the child, Roxy Crowley, to her and her husband, Stan to raise as Daria didn't wish to be tied to Vicotr her whole life. When Victor discovers this he goes to see Roxy and she bcomes furious as does Ralph that this was kept from them. Vicotr doesn't re-appear until Daria's funerla where he apologizes to Ralph for being a bad influence on him, Ralph tells Victor that he was more of a father to him than William Halcoyn, ever was. When Roxy returns for Haley's graduation, she informs Ralph that Victor has died.

Myrtle Crowley: (nee Grendel) Is the sister of Daria Grendel and the aunt of Ralph Grendel and Roxy Crowley. She is married to Stan Crowley and for a long time they tried to have their own baby but were un-successful. When Daria discovered she was pregnant by her abusive and runken husband, Victor Beckett, she decided to go "visit" Myrtle and Stan and after she had Roxy she gave her to them to raise so she could divorce Victor with no strings attached. When Victor learns of this he goes to see and tell Roxy, this upsets Myrtle as she raised Roxy as her own daughter and she later came to town to confront Daria on the matter.

Stanley "Stan" Crowley: Is the husband of Myrtle. He is never seen but mentioned he raised Roxy Crowley as his own daughter when he and Myrtle couldn't get pregnant. It is mentioned by Myrtle that he was also upset when Victor revealed Roxy's true paternity to her. He is the uncle to Ralph Grendel and technically Roxy.

The Werner Family[]

Frank Werner Sr. (deceased): Was the father of Arnold Werner and Mary Ann Werner by his first wife, Eliza. He would go on to father a third child with his secnd wife, the much younger Catherine Andrews named Franky Werner. It is revealed that he was seduced away from Eliza by Cathy who was only after his money. During their marriage Cathy and Arnold had an affair but it is discovered that Frank is in fact the father of Franky. Sometime after their marriage Frank mysteriously died. Wanting to spare Franky, Mary Ann made a deal not to contest Frank's will (leaving his fortune to Catherine) if she gave the child to her. Later Franky would reunite with Catherine and Catherine would apologize to Mary Ann for what she did.

Eliza Werner: Is the mother of Arnold Werner and Mary Ann Werner. She was married to Frank Werner but he was stolen away from her by Catherine Andrews. After Mary Ann gets divorced from Winston Halcoyn she goes to vist her mother and Eliza comes to town when Mary Ann returns with her old high school boyfriend, Brian Maycourt. She is shocked to find that her once arch enemy, Catherine Andrews is living in the same town. She is even more appauled when she finds Mary Ann and Cathy have come to terms with what has happened. It becomes clear that Eliza sets out for revenge. She then encourages Arnie to ask Mona Daniels to marry him. After she accepts she plans theor whole wedding, until everything goes awry. She then becomes consumed with getting revenge on Catherine after Mona goes back to her ex-husband, Winston Halcoyn and Arnold begins to date Karen Cannery. Eliza then learsn of Brian's deranged sister, Kelly and, once she frees her, Eliza sends Kelly to harm Cathy. Catherine survives and exposes Eliza who is then carted off to jail. She is then the reason Mary Ann and Brian leave Sun-Crest Point.

The Reyes Family[]

Ricardo Reyes (deceased): Was the long time husband of Lucia Reyes and the father of Escobar Reyes. He passed away shortly before the series began which prompted Lucia to leave town, only to come back to meet Mae and her grand-son, Isaac Reyes.

Carter Irving (deceased): Is the father of Ethan Irving and was the second husband of Lucia Reyes. He came to town with her when she wanted to visit Isaac and revealed they were enagaged. Carter's forst wife and Ethan's mother had been dead for a while. However, Escobar is suspicious of Carter from the get go. Carter later takes advantage of Ralph Grendel's lack of business know-how and merges Irving Inc. with Halcoyn Comm. However, it is revealed to be a scam and after the merger is complete and he gains access to all the Halcoyn funds he takes them and leavbes town. He leaves aletter for Ralph which informs him that he was only with Lucia so he could have a reason to come to town and merge with the business. After he is gone Lucia has their marriage annulled and leavs town once again. Ethan is later arrested for the crime but is released when he tells the truth that he had no idea of his father's intentions. Eventually the money Carter stole would run out and he kidnaps Franky Werner, Haley Kramer Grendel and Emma Irving. He holds al three for randsom in attempt to regain his fortune. Alas, he is discovered by DeDe, Mitch and Dorian. Winston Halcoyn engages him in a fight but Carter proves to be stronger until, Derwood Halcoyn intervenes. As he is being taken away by Chris McCain he goes into mood failure, as a result of his injuries, and dies.

Soledad Reyes (deceased): Was the second child of Ricardo Reyes. She was the result of an affair Ricardo had with an unnamed woman many years ago. Lucia Reyes, only discovered Soledad's existence after Ricardo died. Lucia also decided to keep her existence a secret from Escobar so as to protect the image of Ricardo Escobar had. However, her identity is revealed when her two daughters, Carly Tellando and Rosalie St. Croix both come to town. Soledad was initally married to a man named Rafe Tellando (Natasha Vern's older half-brother) and had Carly but left him for Xander St. Croix and had Rosalie. She is deceased when Escobar learns of her paternity. He is saddened he never got to meet her but tells his nieces he will always be there for them.

The Kramer Family[]

Olivia Kramer: Sandra and elaine's oldest sister. Though initially seen as a recurring guest character, Olivia later returned and found happiness with Mason Vale, and adopted a teenage orphan. See Main Article.

Elaine Holt (deceased): (nee Kramer) Is the younger sister of Sandra Kramer and Olivia Kramer. She has a son named Dorian and is divorced from her husband Morty. She, Dorian and Olivia come to town to help Sandra and Ralph through their separation. She reveals she and Morty divorced after "drifting apart." After seeing Ralph and Sandra reconcile she leaves town with Dorian with plans to re-marry Morty. Later she and Marty are in a freak disco ball accident and killed, leaving a now teenage Dorian in Sandra and Ralph's care.

Morton "Morty" Holt (deceased): Is the ex-husband of Elaine Kramer-Holt. Together he and Sandra have a son named Dorian. They divorced after "drifitng apart." When Elaine and Dorian leave town she annoounces her plans to re-marry Morty after getting a renewed sense of how strong love is after seeing Ralph and Sandra reconcile. He and Elaine are then in a freak disco ball accident and killed leaving a teenage Dorian with Sandra and Ralph.

Mason Vale: Is the high school principal and eventually the husband of Olivia. He also becomes a step-father to Olivia's adopted son, Brandon Kramer.

The Talbot Family[]

Homer Talbot (deceased): Was the second husband of Donna Talbot. He loved Donna deeply and was originally thought to be the father of Chloe Talbot. It is later revealed that he isn't the father of Chloe, which he and Donna already knew but Chloe didn't. He is killed in a fire by Donna's ex-husband and Chloe;s father Anthony Rossatino because he was jealous and upset with Donna, also because he didn't want any "loose ends." His death hits Donna hard and eventually leads her to have a nervous breakdown.

Anthony "Tony" Rossatino (deceased): Is the ex-husband of Donna Talbot and the biological father of Chloe Talbot. He and Donna married years ago and were madly in love. However, when Donna discovered that Tony had lied to her and had discovered his criminal career she decided she didn't want a life like that and divorced him. However, she helped him escape the custody of the police, in particular the detective in charge of his case, Richard Lytner. When Tony fled custody Donna discovered she was pregnant and later gave birth to their daughter, Chloe. Donna then met Homer Talbot who she grew to love and he cared for Chloe as if she was his own daughter. Tony later becomes a major crime boss and it is revealed that Cassidy Free is his sister, who is trying to bring him down and show him the error of his ways. Tony later arrives in town and upon learning he has a daughter, kills Homer to get revenge on Donna. He also reveals that Catherine Andrews has been an employee of his. Eventually Cassidy and Richard arrive and Tony is arrested and placed in jail. Donna and Chloe visit occasionally. Later though, Tony enlists his daughter's help in breaking him out prison, which she does do. However, Ray Jordan witnesses this and blackmails Chloe who later flees town and upon her return reveals to have succeded her father. It is later revealed Tony was murdered at the hands of Natasha Vern when she killed him in retaliation for her brother's death and in the hope that his death would absolve the deby her family owed him.

Bradley "Brad" Harper: Is the husband of Chloe Talbot. He arrives in town when she returns to take care of her mentally unstable mother, Donna Talbot. Brad and Chloe are very cold towards each other. When asked by Candi Donovan how they met they say "at the gym." Their frigid behavior prompts Candi to ask Chloe if she is pregnant, which she is not. Brad is the one who finds Kevin McCain to help Donna after he is recommended by a guilty Reggie Andrews. Chloe then begins to make regular visits to her father in jail but tells Brad that she is going to the store, which prompts his suspicions. He is eventually revealed to be the son of Red Harper a cop who tried to put Tony away Chloe had married Brad to prevent her father from seeking revenge. Inevitably though Brad is almost killed in a fire set by Angela Andrews, he is discovered to have lived but is placed in witness protection and his marriage to Chloe is ended, freeing her to move on with Bart Cooper.

Other Neighbors[]

Calvin Bort (deceased): Was a simple and plain resident in the town of Sun-Crest Point. He became a victim of The Sun-Crest Killer, when he used a rigged jukebox that was initally intended to kill Chloe Talbot.

Hank Centowski: Is the widowed father of Jasper Centowski. Though Hank loves his son, it is clear that his wife's death has taken a large toll on him and caused him to be very rude when introduced to Jasper's then girlfriend, Candi Cabot. The two eventually broke up Mae Stone and Escobar Reyes, and through a chance meeting Hank met Mae and began to develop a crush on her. After Escobar accuses her of cheating and ends their relationship, Hank and Mae begin to see each other and he begins to be happy again. However, their romance ends when he becomes too clingy and Mae comes downstairs one morning to find that Hank has somehow gotten into her home, made breakfast for her and Aggie and calls Agatha "sweetie-pie." Mae calls Escobar who comes and beats Hank up. Hank then takes his anger out of Jasper and moves them out of town but, sometime after their move he endures a nervous breakdown and runs off, leaving Jasper alone. Then when Jasper and Candi finally marry, he arrives at their wedding reception, seemingly cured. He instantly imposes on their honeymoon period and takes an interest in his grand-son.

Darrien Hex: Is the maid/nanny for the Halcoyn Family. She is great with the children especially with DeDe Halcoyn.

Todd Ford: Is a fireman in Sun-Crest Point. He comes to the aid of Mae Reyes when a small kitchen fire ensues in her home one evening as she is making dinner. After he puts it out Mae asks him to say for dinner as re-payment, during this time she had just separated from her husband, Escobar Reyes. After they have dinner Mae sleeps with Todd but the followng morning is guilt ridden. Mae's daughter, Agatha Stone, catches Todd as he leaves and becomes disguted with her mother. Mae never calls Todd and it is presumed that he simply goes back to work as a fireman.

Eugene Kincaid: Is originally the high school sweetheart and later husband of Lila Kincaid. He was also thought to be the father of Marylin Kincaid. When it was revealed that Lila had an affair and that Marylin was actually the daughter of William Halcoyn, he leaves her. Lila would go on and re-marry and eventually leave town but Eugene stayed behind.

Samantha Denver: Is the neighborhood play girl. She is divorced but often hits on any single man she can. Alicia Cabot has remakrs that Samantha was deeply hurt by her divorce and that is why she prowls on men. She has a daughter from her failed marriage named Christine. She was the one to discover Luke Donovan's dead body.T She briefly has an affair with Ralph Grendel after he and Sandra are told that their daughter, Emma, is stillborn. After realizing that he is only using her as a coping mechanism she breaks things off.
