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Candi becomes infuriated when she sees Mandy behind the wheel of the car and, demands she turn them around right now. Amanda doesn;t speak but, seems to be happy that Candi isn't. Amanda manages to get them to the outskirts of town and the hills when the car breaks and they become stranded. Candi, wedding gown and all and Amanda are then left stranded in the middle of nowhere with no reception! Candi quickly lashes out at her rival and demands to know what it is she is doing! Amanda tells Candi that she is only doing what she needs to and that she wants to make sure that Candi loves Jasper, after all Amanda was supposed to marry him a few years back. The women then begin to bicker ferouciously. Candi then tells AManda that she is through with her antics and tries to get cell reception... However, Candi can not get a single bar!! Lukcily, though Amanda is able to and tells Candi that she'll call Derwood to come get them. Candi is still angry, for not knowing what Amanda is up to.... WAIT?! Why Derwood?

Meanwhile, everyone else begins to show up for the ceremony. Alicia, Ted and David arrive, along with Chloe and are alarmed when they learn that Candi hasn't shown up yet. Alicia asks Ted if they should call the police... then Travis arrives and asks what's wrong. They tell him about Candi's being missing. He quickly jumps to the idea of going out and finding her but, Ted suggests that maybe she stopped by the cemetery to see Luke.... after all he was her first husband, those emotions just don't die. Everyone agrees that is the most likely answer (yeah, right). Jasper arrives and is himself, a little alarmed that his bride to be hasn;t arrived. His mother, Cassidy, tells him not to worry, she'll see what's going on. Before she leaves to correspond with Alicia she and Jasper share a tender hug and she once more congratulates him and Candi... it's about damn time this day came! Bart shows up and pulls Chloe aside... He demands to know whay she is looking into hus uncle's background!

En route, Derwood recieves the call from Amanda, and as she explains he tells her he is on his way and turns around to go get her and Candi. Meanwhile, as Winston and Mona arrive, Mona is quick to separate from her husband and meets up with Karen, who seems equally remorseful. Winston spots his brother and asks him if he thinks anything is going on with Mona, she has been acting funny. Ralph explains he doesn't have time to analyze he has to speak to his own wife about a fight they had! As Ralph darts off to find Sandra... who is still at home venting to Harry, Winston finds Arnold and asks him what's wrong. Arnie reveals that Lazlo is Karen's son and, that she never told him about Lazlo before. Winston asks Arnold what that means for their marriage. Arnold expresses that he loves Karen but, her betrayal can not go on without some typre of consequence... How could she be so cold. Then Arnold spots Reggie and Kurt arrive. Reggie tells Kurt that he will introduce him to Mae at the reception.

Mae arrives with Cleo, Isaac and Escobar and begins looking for Blake.... who was not invited. Escobar suggest that they find their seats but, Mae tells him to leave her alone!! Aggie arrives with Ben who notices a man in the distance watching the whole ceremony... Clark. Ray picks Janet up and is nothing short of a gentleman yet again... what's his end game? Janet asks him if this is weird for him, seeing as the groom is the father of her son. Ray tells Janet that as long as he has her, he is never weireded out. Saul and Irene crawl to the edge of their seats as the polls prepare to close and it looks as though he and Julius are now neck and neck. In the midst of their excitement, Saul looks inot his ex-wife's eyes and in that moment... they share a kiss. As Mike walks over to the beach, he runs into Jessica and Monica... also going to the wedding. He aks them how everything is going and is elated to hear they are still strong. He asks how Bianca is doing... is she seeing anyone? They then tells Mike that Bianca is married... to Kevin.... and they have a son. Which seems to damper Mike's mood.

Lila calls her daughter and offers a position within the Orwell administration. However, Marylin quickly shoots her mothers offer down and tells her that she will never be her pawn ever again and that she voted for Saul Brigham. she then hangs up and calls Blake... asking him to come over for something to eat and maybe a night cap? Alicia then frets over her daughter being late to her own wedding whe, Catherine arrives. Alicia and her sister say nothing to each other but, Catherine apologizes for all she has done to Alicia and their family. Most of all, she misses her best friend, her sister! Alicia tells Catherine that she knows she is sorry but, not even on today of all happy days she can NOT forgive her, not this time. She then walks off. Catherine is left sad and alone, when Travis comes across her, asking what she wants. She does the same to him, to no avail. Then she thinks about Amanda and Derwood's tell tale kiss.... could it be her ticket back to her family?
